Saturday, January 5, 2008

New Years Resolution

So my friend and partner in crime Nicole told me that she was starting a blog to keep up with her New Years Resolution for losing weight. Well since we share the same resolution.....and we've become partners in crime and decided to go to the gym together. So she has inspired me to create a blog as well. So far it's been good. This week I worked out on Tuesday, Wednesday we were at the gym bright and early before we had to go to work. She ditched me on Thursday because she got to work a better shift than myself (I'm secretly jealous that she got to leave at 3:00 on Thursday and Friday). So Thursday morning I worked out by myself....which was good...but not as fun as if she was there. Friday....well Friday I hit a snag. My alarm did not go off and I was late to work. I work up at 7:47 (I was suppose to be at the gym by 6:15). Not good! But it's okay.....I won't let one little snag mess up my 2008 goals. So then this morning......Nicole and I agreed to take a kickboxing class @ 10:00am. But she decided to wake me up from my slumber like a mad women demanding (yes I am exaggerating) that we go to the gym right that moment instead of waiting until 10:00. So I woke up and wiped the slobber from my lip and took the crust out of my eyes and dragged my butt to the gym. I wasn't feeling so hot when I first got into the car, but after burning like 300 calories on the eliptical machine....I was excited about the work out. We headed upstairs for some weight action and did our arms today. FEEL THE BURN!!!

I am weak! The arm exercises kicked my butt and I am unable to life my arms. Also I just weighed myself and I am 3 lbs less than I was at the start of the week! Yay for me!

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